
Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Hack Facebook / Twitter accounts using Fire Sheep

In my Previous tutorial Hack Facebook /twitter accounts by stealing cookies we hacked Facebook book by side jacking i.e stealing cookies and injecting them in our browser . In this tutorial we will do the same by using a tool Fire sheep .This hack works when computers are connected in  a LAN (Local area network ) or when connected in public WiFi . Best place try out this hack is in schools , collages where computers are connected in LAN and in public places such as airports , hotels  where there's public WiFi

What is Fire Sheep 

Fire sheep is an extension developed by Eric Butler for the Firefox web browser. The extension uses a packet sniffer to intercept unencrypted cookies from certain websites (such as Facebook and Twitter) as the cookies are transmitted over networks, exploiting session hijacking vulnerabilities. It shows the discovered identities on a sidebar displayed in the browser, and allows the user to instantly take on the log-in credentials of the user by double-clicking on the victim's name

Friday, 17 June 2011

"Who is Viewing Your Facebook Profile" Facebook Stalker spam

Recently i got this notification "karan posted in your wall" (karan is my friend).  So I visit my profile and see what he posted in my wall .  This is what i saw

"WOW! Its unbelieveable now you can really get to know who visits you on facebook anytime you like.. i can see my top visitors and i am so shocked that my EX is still creeping my photos every hour" 

But he told me that he didn't post in my wall. He just click the link which is given in the message and follow the steps.  I realize that it is scam,  But this scam spreads faster.

How Does Anti virus detects viruses?

I hope you know what is computer Anti Virus. But you may not know how the anti virus works.  Here i am sharing how the antivirus software works. 

What you know about Anti Virus software?

Antivirus software gives protection against the viruses and Malware. Antivirus can detect the malicious software ,then delete or put it in quarantine. 

What is Your Password ? How the Password should be?

What is your password ? is your password like 123456, 98654, billgates,yourname,lovername,iloveyou,thankyou?  Then you will definitely  loose your account soon.  The hackers can easily hack your account with much effort.

Your password should be :

  • Above 10 letters
  • Both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Should use special characters like '&'.
  • Should contain Numbers
  • Should not Use any names of your lover ,mother,father,etc.
  • Should not be usual words like iloveyou,ihateyou,ihateu.
  • Should not be your birthday like oct2010.

Consider this tips when you create a password. Secure your password.

How to Hacking Facebook with security Question Vulnerability?

You can bypass the security question and hack the friend's face book account with 2 mutual Friends.

Facebook Feature(drawback)?
 Facebook provides option to recover your account with security question.  But if you forget the answer , still you can recover with your 3 friends account.

How the Hackers hacking the facebook accounts?

 if they are not your friends, they may request with 3 fake facebook accounts to become a friend. if they are your friend, it is very simple to hack your account.

 At first hacker will visit the forget password page of facebook.  and search for your/victim account with their details (if he want to hack means, definitely he analyze completely about you).  So he will enter the details of yours and find your account.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Top 5 Hack Tools for Hackers to Investigate Computer System

Hello Friends, today i will share with you top 5 hack tools for hackers to Investigate or Foresnic their computer system or PC. Have you ever felt that your system is compromised or shared ? Do you think your system has unusual softwares or packages installed on it that sends your confidential or secret personal data to other Hackers? Always fears to test any hack tool that it contains viruses or malware or not? Wanna investigate your network that which application is sending which data to whom or where?
If any of the question fits you then this post is for you. But if i speak by heart these tools are must for every noraml users and hackers too to investigate their systems from boot to close. Today i am making you a real ethical hacker as today i will teach you how to investigate your system. And how to get rid of noobish antiviruses that do simply nothing on your PC just consumes resources of your system.

List of top 5 hack tools for hackers to Inverstigate or Forensic Computer system or PC:

Advanced Online Ethical Hacking Class starts from Today

Hello Friends, as we have almost covered all the basic topics in Ethical Hacking class so now the time has come that we can start advanced hacking classes that will cover all the advance topics. Previous hacking classes were just introductory hacking classes that introduces you with different hacking related topics and they were containing only theoretical content that was just to build your base and clear the basic concepts about Ethical Hacking. From Now onwards we will start advanced ethical Hacking classes to provide you a deeper look up inside your PC, network and web.

hacking, hacking class, ethical hacking class
Advanced Ethical Hacking Class

In advanced Hacking classes we will cover several advanced Topics, and i have also decided that i will provide you PDF ebook for each hacking class so that you can read it whenever you want. 

Vodafone Stealing Information Using Botnet Malware - So Beware Guys

Guys Its Really shocking but Its truth . The New Vodaphone HTC Magic Phone Contain Malware's in the software Inbuilt and Its stealing Personal Data of the Users. So Beware Guys !
This is Pity Ridiculous that company is distributing malware at its userbase. Unfortunately it probably won’t be the last.

Today one of our colleagues received a brand new Vodafone HTC Magic with Google’s Android OS. “Neat” she said. Vodafone distributes this phone to its userbase in some European countries and it seems affordable as you can get it for 0€ or 1€ under certain conditions.